7 Fiverr Gigs that require no skills and are incredibly easy

You don’t need to be an expert in anything to succeed on Fiverr. A lot of people have already made money on this platform with no skills at all! Follow these 7 simple tips, and you will have no problem making money on Fiverr, even if you don’t know what you are doing. Be warned, though – some of these gigs require you to buy yourself a few items and know where to go to make the best profit from your sales! But, if you follow the steps in this guide, it won’t be that hard to figure out!

7 Fiverr Gigs that require no skills and are incredibly easy

1) Write articles

Writing articles can be a great way to establish yourself as an authority in your industry. Even if you don’t have a big platform yet, publishing articles on medium, niche blogs or other online publications is still a great way to get your name out there and start building recognition. If you want to write content for SEO purposes, make sure that you optimize it correctly so that you can rank well in search engines like Google.

 I would also advise against any blatant self-promotion; while it may work in certain situations, my personal philosophy is never to blatantly advertise your product/service/business. Instead, focus on creating valuable content that will help others solve their problems. That said, if you do decide to mention your business in some of your articles (or other pieces of content), then make sure you include links where appropriate so that people can find more information about what you do. This will not only help them learn more about what you do but will also give them an opportunity to engage with your brand by following you or signing up for something via email etc.. You should always remember: Content is King!

2) Read articles

Information is power. If you’re looking to do a good job on fiverr, and you don’t have any freelancing experience, it might be a good idea to read some articles about fiverr and how best to prepare for it. You might also be able to learn what sort of services sell well on fiverr, which will help you establish your own service selling style. In short, being an informed seller will help ensure that you have a successful career on fiverr, even if it doesn’t last forever. #1: Virtual Assistant (VA) Services- these services usually involve researching, scheduling meetings or other tasks, handling emails and social media accounts, updating information on company websites, etc. Some VAs specialize in blogging and SEO. There are many virtual assistant services available online that can assist you with almost anything including but not limited to writing & transcription assistance or general administrative support!

3) Rewrite product descriptions

Rewriting product descriptions is an awesome way to make a ton of cash. All you have to do is browse Amazon for products, then rewrite their product description as if it were your own. You can get really creative here, since you know there’s a demand for it. If you’re looking for more opportunities like this check out what teachers on Online Writing Jobs write about! It’s pretty similar – just with different topics. Also, don’t forget to create an author profile using our Author Profile Generator (click here). To make things easier for yourself, consider checking out our free PDF guide How to Start Your First Freelance Business. In it we give step-by-step instructions on how to start freelancing quickly and easily. Check it out by clicking here!

4) Add subtitles to movies

On websites like YouTube, there’s a big trend in adding subtitles to movies if they don’t have them. This doesn’t take any experience or special knowledge; you just need to be able to listen carefully and keep up with a movie’s audio track as it progresses. Check out how it works at VoiceBunny, an online service for adding subtitles to videos. The process is fast and simple. If you can write clearly, then you can make some extra cash on Fiverr by giving people what they want: their favorite video games and movies with subtitles included.

5) Create book covers

There’s nothing quite like a great book cover to ensure someone picks up your novel. This is especially true for self-published authors who don’t have access to book designers or professional photographers. Of course, not everyone has $100+ laying around to hire a pro, but luckily there are plenty of options if you’re looking for inexpensive ways to get creative with your covers. I can think of dozens (if not hundreds) of talented artists on sites like Fiverr and Upwork, but if you want high quality results without breaking bank (or brain), follow these tips: 1) Try Canva or PicMonkey 2) Find a stock photo 3) Go offline 4) Use Word/PowerPoint 5) Have fun!

6) Create infographics

Infographics have been a popular online marketing tactic for several years now. A 2015 study revealed more than 92% of marketers agree they’re an effective tool for boosting engagement, while 53% say they generate more traffic than other types of content. And a MarketingSherpa report suggests companies with websites that feature infographics get 94% more leads than those without them. With all that in mind, here are some tips to help you create infographics like a pro . The tips below will show you how to: determine your audience; gather information; come up with ideas; use visuals; create eye-catching titles; and optimize your infographics. Ready? Let’s do it!

7) Create animations (gifs, videos, cartoons, etc.)

Companies often use animated gifs or videos to quickly explain concepts in an entertaining way. While they might seem frivolous, it's actually a super smart idea to create them as it makes your content more memorable. If you need some inspiration, check out sites like Giphy or even type animated gif into Google—you'll find a huge range of free resources for personal use. Once you have a few ideas saved up, consider working with other freelancers on Fiverr to help each other create assets that you can both then use across your projects (and even split the revenue).

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