What are the unsolved mysteries in the world?

The world can be an unsettling place if you really stop to think about it. It’s full of mysteries that have confounded experts and made the rest of us scratch our heads in wonder; there are many unanswered questions about this strange and magical place we call home. Here are five unsolved mysteries from around the world that might make you think twice about what’s going on around you, at least until we discover the truth about them!

What are the unsolved mysteries in the world?

The Bermuda Triangle

A triangular region of ocean and air that is roughly located between Bermuda, Florida, and Puerto Rico. In hundreds of years, it has acquired its reputation as being a place where strange disappearances take place. Numerous ships have vanished within its boundaries, leading to speculation of strange events occurring therein. Several bizarre incidents have also been reported by aircraft pilots flying over it (including cases of complete radio failure). This has led some people to believe there is some sort of vortex that mysteriously drags things from the surface down into a watery grave... yet no one really knows for sure. While there have been many theories about what happens inside The Bermuda Triangle (UFOs, alien abduction, giant sea monsters), no one really knows for sure what causes these strange disappearances.


Mysterious Disappearances

People vanish without a trace every day. It’s rarely something as high-profile as Amelia Earhart, but missing persons still make up one of most unnerving list of mysteries out there. In fact, many of these disappearances have never been solved—and new cases continue to surface to this day. Of course, not all missing persons end up vanishing forever; some just go missing for a few days or weeks and then suddenly reappear for no apparent reason (and with little explanation). These types of cases can often be even more troubling than true missing persons—they create an air of doubt about who is telling the truth and why people might want to run away from their lives.


Crop Circles

Perhaps one of most famous of all unexplained phenomena, crop circles have captured our collective imaginations for nearly a century. Most of us will remember looking up at shapes made from crops bending under some unseen force and pondering what it could mean. No one has ever claimed credit for making them, or even how they're made; but that hasn't stopped people from speculating about who—or what—the culprits might be. Aliens, perhaps? Interdimensional beings trying to communicate with us? Or maybe the farmer down by name just doing a little late-night DIY work. It's hard to say which would be more interesting... but in any case, we may never know until someone decides to take credit (or claim it was aliens).


Weird Facts About Animals

We’ve all seen or heard about some of these, but there are still a few that might surprise you. If you can stomach them, here are 10 things only a zoologist would tell you: 1. White Cats Are Named After The Queen and Her Daughters. You've probably noticed that a lot of white cats out there have names starting with an M--Margaret, Marjorie, Maud...do you notice anything else about these names? All of them end with -ard, which means one who is worthy to rule. That's right; since it was believed at one time that lions named their leaders by roaring their names until they died of old age, it is believed that white cats take on characteristics of royalty when they get older.


Strange Locations Around the World

There’s something spooky about an isolated, old building. Maybe it’s because a place that has been standing for a century or more can hold secrets. Or maybe it’s because we know that even a quaint building is full of things like mold and asbestos—so what could be lurking in an abandoned one? Below are some of history’s most frightening properties. Will you dare to visit them all yourself? (Informative) There's plenty of strange locations around our own planet. 

We've seen just how mysterious and terrifying deep sea creatures can be, while also learning that not everything under water wants to kill us. We've learned how nocturnal animals see differently than humans do and have come face-to-face with dragons both modern and mythical. And we've found out why animals who should live forever die too soon. Our curiosity knows no bounds when it comes to discovering new places on Earth, but there's still so much left for us to learn about our own planet! How much do you really know about these eight strange locations around our planet?


Strange Sounds From Space

The Curious Case of Tabby’s Star: The highly publicized fast radio bursts (FRBs) tend to get all of the attention when it comes to odd extraterrestrial signals. But there is another, older, source of mysterious radio signals that has eluded explanation for more than a decade—Tabby’s star. FRBs represent a possible connection to another intelligence; no known technology can account for them. Tabby’s star presents a different type of puzzle. Astronomers have actually observed something happening to its light output, which can be explained by natural phenomenon or intelligent activity, but no one has been able to pinpoint what it is. Until now.


Strange Places Around The World

There are many strange places around that make you curious. Mysterious houses, castles and monuments with riddles like stone men guarding entrances, rooms with dead ends or puzzles nobody can solve. These curious monuments have remained a mystery for centuries. The Pumapunku was believed to be built by an advanced ancient civilization which disappeared without trace or any sign of ever existing before European invaders arrived on their lands. Even today no one really knows who created these unseen sites and we still wonder what is hidden inside them. They continue to fascinate people even after they were opened and shown off to other civilizations. Take a look at some of these mysterious places around our planet that haven’t been completely explained yet.




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