Top Foods High in Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune System

Here are the top foods high in vitamin C, to boost your immune system and keep you healthy all year long. These foods are rich in this vital nutrient, but be sure to check the label when purchasing them, as the amounts of vitamin C in food can vary from brand to brand and even within the same brand! This article will teach you everything you need to know about vitamin C’s importance in your diet — and how to get it from the best sources possible.

Top Foods High in Vitamin C to Boost Your Immune System

What is vitamin c?

The human body needs vitamin C for a wide range of reasons. It’s part of wound healing, keeping your bones strong and protecting against heart disease. It even keeps your brain healthy by reducing your risk of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. The National Institutes of Health has documented more than 100 different diseases that may be prevented or treated with adequate amounts of vitamin C, including cystic fibrosis, hepatitis A and B, cold sores, cancer and measles.[1] But what is vitamin c? How do you get it into your body? And how much should you have each day? Let’s look at some key facts about vitamin c so you can keep your immune system strong during cold and flu season.

Why we need vitamin c?

The body needs vitamin C every day, because it can’t be stored. But even though we know it’s important, many people don’t get enough. If you want to boost your immune system and keep colds at bay, then make sure you eat more of these foods high in vitamin C: oranges, broccoli, red peppers and tomatoes. They are loaded with nutrients that protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals while also promoting healthy skin and a strong defense against disease-causing germs. To help you understand why you need vitamin c: The National Institutes of Health recommends that men consume 90 milligrams (mg) per day and women 75 mg per day — but most people don’t reach that goal through diet alone.

Which foods are high in vitamin c?

While foods high in vitamin c can be found all around us, there are a few common sources. Most people know they can boost their intake of vitamin c through citrus fruits, but many don’t realize that dark green vegetables like broccoli and kale are also rich sources of it. In fact, these vegetables often rank on top as some of most nutrient-dense foods on earth because they have such a low calorie count. Kale is particularly rich with nutrients, especially vitamins A and C. This tasty vegetable has more than 100 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin A—and almost 70 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin C!

Do you need a supplement?

Some foods are rich in vitamin C, but many experts recommend taking a daily supplement. One reason is that food sources of vitamin C often contain fat and calories, which can add up if you’re not careful. The label for a typical multivitamin will show whether it has 10% or 25% of your DV for vitamin C; some experts say that you should choose one with at least 10%, but research suggests there’s no benefit to using supplements with more than 25%. It's also possible that taking higher doses can cause side effects such as nausea, heartburn and diarrhea; ask your doctor if it’s okay to take more than 100 mg (1 g) per day.

How much vitamin c do you need daily?

There is no official RDA for vitamin C, but if you’re not a smoker or live with one, women should consume 75 mg of vitamin C daily and men should consume 90 mg per day. The effects of smoking on your body are quite devastating—besides health issues like emphysema and lung cancer, cigarette smoke reduces your body’s absorption of vitamins. While it may seem logical that smokers need more vitamin C than non-smokers, actually they need much less: Because vitamin C is water soluble (meaning our bodies excrete any excess we don't use), smokers can get too much vitamin c — causing toxicity — and actually decrease their overall levels.

The best vitamin c supplements

You don’t have to rely on fruits and vegetables for your vitamin c fix. There are many high-quality, cheap supplements that provide as much or more vitamin c than an orange. The recommended daily allowance is 75 milligrams (mg) for adults; pregnant women require 85 mg and breastfeeding women need 120 mg per day. A good multi-vitamin supplement will contain 250–500 mg of vitamin c, so taking just one pill a day could help you get up to your daily requirements without loading up on oranges and other citrus fruits. It’s also important not to skip meals when taking a supplement—and make sure you eat plenty of leafy greens as well.

Does sunlight have any effect on vitamin c level?

Light is required for vitamin production, so it should be a no-brainer that you need sunlight in order to get your fill of vitamin C. But how much light do you need? How many minutes per day do you have to spend outdoors in order to make sure your body is getting enough of those vitamins? A 2001 study published by researchers at Indiana University found that when subjects were exposed to 10,000 lux (10 times brighter than typical indoor lighting) their blood levels of beta-carotene increased. The researchers concluded that up to 10,000 lux—about 10 times as bright as ordinary room lighting—is sufficient for human requirements. The average American office has 250–300 lux, while outdoors on a sunny day exposure can reach 5,000–6,000 lux.

What does lower levels of vitamin c mean for your health?

This winter cold and flu season is one of some of the worst ones we’ve seen. It seems like everyone around you has something and you can’t help but catch it, too. But getting sick is not just due to lack of immune function; your vitamin levels could be a contributing factor as well. There are many vitamins that promote a healthy immune system and vitamin C tops that list. However, do you know which foods have high levels of vitamin C?

 Here are our top ten picks: 

1) Oranges – These bright orange fruits are loaded with vitamin C. One orange provides about 75 milligrams of vitamin C, or more than half of what most people need daily.

 2) Guava – These sweet fruits have been enjoyed by humans for centuries because they taste great and contain loads of health benefits. One cup contains 74 milligrams of vitamin C, making them an excellent source for anyone looking to boost their immune system and overall health 

3) Strawberries – The red berries are known for their delicious flavor but also provide plenty of health benefits. Strawberries contain 70 milligrams per cup 4) Grapefruit – Like oranges, grapefruits also pack a punch when it comes to providing your body with an abundance of vitamin C.

What are top 12 best sources of vitamin c?

There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. These top 12 foods high in vitamin C all have more than 90 milligrams per 100-gram serving. So, it's a good idea to incorporate as many of these into your diet as possible. And remember that taking supplements is not an alternative—these foods contain other nutrients (such as phytonutrients) that vitamins cannot provide, which is why eating whole foods is so important. Now get out there and eat some oranges! Just make sure you wash them first! You never know when someone has handled them with dirty hands or under poor sanitary conditions. That said, here's our list of top 12 best sources of vitamin c This is my personal opinion on each item on the list:

#1: Oranges

It's no surprise that oranges take top honors as one of most nutrient-dense fruits. They're loaded with vitamin C and they're easy to find year round at affordable prices. 

#2: Grapefruit

Grapefruits are full of antioxidants like beta carotene, lutein, lycopene and limonoids — all cancer fighters . The red grapefruit is even better for you since it contains anthocyanins , which help keep cholesterol levels down. 

#3: Guava : 

Not only does guava contain about five times more vitamin C than an orange , but it also has potassium, fiber and folate . What else could you ask for? 

#4: Kiwi Fruit: 

These tiny little fruit packs a powerful punch when it comes to fighting off infections. Just one kiwi fruit provides more than 100 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C! 

#5: Broccoli

Broccoli is definitely a go-to food when you want to boost your immune system because not only does it have high amounts of vitamin C, but it also contains plenty of other nutrients such as calcium, protein and iron. 

#6: Brussels Sprouts : 

You've probably heard that brussels sprouts can help prevent cancer, so why not add them into your diet on a regular basis? One cup provides over 200 percent of your daily recommended intake! 

#7: Red Bell Peppers: 

Like broccoli, red bell peppers are another great source of vitamin C. But these veggies also contain phytonutrients called capsaicinoids that may help lower blood pressure and reduce pain from arthritis. 

#8: Papaya: 

This tropical fruit is a great source of vitamins A and C . And if you eat papaya regularly, it may help protect against heart disease due to its ability to reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels in your body. 

#9: Strawberries

Strawberries make our list again thanks to their high amount of vitamin C content per serving size—one cup gives you more than 150 percent of your daily value! In addition, strawberries contain ellagic acid , which is a potent antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. 

#10: Cantaloupe

If you haven't tried cantaloupe yet, now's your chance! One cup of cantaloupe provides about 180 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C. In addition, cantaloupe contains plenty of potassium and fiber to keep you feeling full longer.

 #11: Watermelon

Watermelon may be sweet, but it's got some serious health benefits too! It's rich in vitamins A and C plus lycopene . Eating watermelon regularly may also help improve your vision by keeping age-related macular degeneration (AMD) at bay. 

#12: Cauliflower

while it may not look like much, cauliflower is a superfood that contains high amounts of vitamin C. Just half a head of cauliflower contains 30 percent of your daily recommended intake! 

#13: Sweet Potatoes :

 While sweet potatoes aren't technically a vegetable, they do contain large amounts of vitamin C. One medium-sized potato contains more than 50 percent of your daily value! 

#14: Pomegranates

Pomegranates are known to help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer . Plus, one pomegranate provides you with almost 70 percent of your daily value for vitamin C. 

#15: Kale

Kale isn't just good for you, it's also tasty!

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